Python RPA

Processing Vacation Requests


Before: The HR manager and accountant at an international pharmaceutical company branch spent 40 minutes each day processing electronic requests for business trips in the HR management system. The HR manager checked the request to ensure that the destination was assigned to the sales representative’s region and that the supervisor had approved it, and then forwarded the request to the accounting department for advance payment. The accountant then created a document (business trip) in the payroll system based on the request and processed the payment. Due to the large number of HR requests, the accountant often processed the payments two to three days after receiving the requests, which negatively impacted the sales representatives’ motivation.


Now: An RPA bot automatically checks for travel requests in the HR system, checks for manager approval and the destination, creates a document in the accounting system, and processes the payment the same day. The bot then sends an email and telegram chat notification to the accountant about the work that has been done.